Danica Gopffarth-Biology and Psychology Student Alum

"Looking back, I see how much I changed and grew each year during my time at HSU. It was a blessing to talk about my faith openly and to be around other students, 教师, and 工作人员 who did the same."

I attended Super Summer camps on the Hardin-Simmons campus when I was in high school, so it was natural for me to consider attending HSU. Although I had already spent considerable time on campus, I still took an official tour. Students I met during my campus visit shared their great experiences at HSU with me, but they did it without trying to talk me into coming here.

I attended a public high school, so I didn’t realize how much having faith incorporated into my studies would impact me. On the first day of my biology class, the professor started talking about faith along with his lecture on science. I thought that was really cool.

Near finals time during my freshman year, my grandfather passed away. I emailed my professors to let them know I would miss some classes. My professors were amazing! They prayed for me and encouraged me. In other challenging circumstances, my professors – especially my advisor – inspired and reassured me.

Looking back, I see how much I changed and grew each year during my time at HSU. It was a blessing to talk about my faith openly and to be around other students, 教师, and 工作人员 who did the same. God put people in my life at Hardin-Simmons – 教师, 工作人员, and friends – at different times and in various circumstances to help shape me into the person I am today.

When I talk about HSU with my friends who went to college elsewhere, they wish they had the same experiences that I had. At Hardin-Simmons, 教师 cares about students as individuals.

Along with the special relationships at HSU, there are awesome opportunities for students to get involved. Many of those opportunities are unique to a small school – especially a Christian school. If you have a dream, you can make it happen at Hardin-Simmons. It’s a great place to follow your passion.

My time at Hardin-Simmons is an experience I will always remember.
